Touched and inspired to support Anacret/ご寄付いただけます場合:
(*) If you are willing to donate, please first contact us via email or Facebook messenger including "Your name, your occupation, your contact, How much contribution you will make (1,000 yen, 3,000 yen, 5,000yen,10,000yen,others)". (English and Japanese are both available.)
(*) If you are in Japan, we receive donations through bank transfers. We ask donors to pay for transfer fee.
(*)If you are outside Japan, the money should be given or sent directly to Dr. Kazuyuki Sasaki, the head of Peace and Conflict Studies Department at PIASS.
(*) Recognizing transfer alternatives, you can prefer to send via western union, Mobile money. Please call/ consult us in advance for an appropriate transfer way.
その他、Western union、モバイルマネー等でも寄付を承ります。ご連絡ください。
(*) For further information and clarification, reach us Mutsumi, Yuki, and Henri through
FB messenger, or this email: hope.enoughislittle@gmail.com
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(Clink the picture above/上の画像から飛べます)