Hello. This is Mutsumi Katsuragawa. I have been currently a junior student in the faculty of of foreign studies, the department of International Relations at Kobe City University of Foreign Studies (KCUFS). I, myself, was in Huye, Rwanda and studied at PIASS for 1 year from October 2019 up to September 2020.
初めまして。神戸市外国語大学 外国語学部 国際関係学科3年の桂川睦美と申します。2019年10月から2020年9月まで、ルワンダのフイエに滞在し、PIASSにて平和学を勉強していました。
I have been impressed with Henri Fabrice’s initiative, “Enough is a little” from the time I was studying in Rwanda. But this is just recently I started to get involved. One day, Henri asked me for some advice to start this crowdfunding. Then I told myself to get involved in this project!. This is how I started. With Henri and Yuki, we discuss a lot and little by little, we prepared. I am happy that we, Yuki, Henri, and I are doing little we can.
ルワンダに滞在していたときからFabriceのEnough is a littleプロジェクトのことは知っていたのですが、関わり始めたのは本当に最近のことでした。少し前に、「Enough is a littleに関してクラウドファンディングをしようと思っているのだけれど…」と相談を受け、彼のイニシアチブにとても感心・尊敬していた私は二つ返事で「是非手伝わせてほしい!」と、関わり始めることになりました。Henriと同じ時期に留学していた田畑君と3人で試行錯誤を繰り返しながら少しずつ準備を進めてまいりました。
Through studying Peace and Conflict Studies at PIASS with friends with various backgrounds, I became confident that anything is possible, if you try to know and work for it. Your donations and my donation together can help Claude to overcome. I am pretty sure that education have the greatest power to bring good changes in the societies. I wish that we would make future better. Please join us with a donation to support Claude who is in need of living expenses in order to join PIASS. Thank you for reading and your cooperation.

My name is Yuki Tabata from Japan. I’m a third-year student at Kyoto University, majoring in agricultural economics. I studied at PIASS (Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences) from March to September in 2020 under the COVID-19 pandemic. Before going to Rwanda, I was working at Terra Renaissance (Japanese NGO) in northern part of Uganda, as an intern for 6 months.
I met Fabrice at PIASS and we lived in the same dormitory. Since that time, I have been impressed with him because of his great project ( “Enough is a little”) assisting young refugee students to get the scholarship opportunities.
このプロジェクトを立ち上げてくれたファブリース( Henri Fabrice)はとルワンダで出会い、同じ寮で一緒に暮らしていました。その当時から、彼が「Enough is Little」という難民の若者への奨学金支援プロジェクトを進めていることはよく聞いていて、尊敬の念をもっていました。
One month ago, he told me about the plan of trying to raise funds for Claude's living expenses at PIASS. I was so much touched again by his passion and empathy he has for refugees and immediately decided to get myself involved.
I believe how much the education for refugees who live in difficulties can change the future of our society. I would like you to join us by making a donation or sharing this project with your friends. Thank you.

(Added on 27th March, 2021 追記:2021年3月27日)
Crowdfunding was ended successfully on 28th Feb! Thank you all!
(*) For further information and clarification, reach us Mutsumi, Yuki, and Henri through
FB messenger, or this email: hope.enoughislittle☆gmail.com
(Change ☆ to @ when you send us an email)