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Your support can heal the lost hope of Claude Niyibitanga./あなたのご支援がClaudeの大学の学びの希望に繋がります。



Henri Fabrice Ndayizeye, Founder of Enough is a little,/Enough is a little創始者。

My name is Henri Fabrice Ndayizeye. I was born in Burundi. In 2015, I fled from Burundi to Rwanda due to political instability. In Mahama refugee camp, I have been living with many challenges, for example, the difficulty of fulfilling the basic needs such as food and clean water and the difficulty of receiving qualitative education. When I won a scholarship to study tertiary education at Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS), I initiated “Enough is a little” program through which I assist young students, especially refugee students to find scholarship opportunities. I have assisted 12 people (10 refugees, one Burundian and one Rwandan citizen) to get admissions and full scholarships at African Leadership University Rwanda (ALU), Cornerstone Leadership Academy and Yale Young African Scholars. Today, I am studying at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies for 8 months until July 2021 as an International exchange student.

私の名前はHenri Fabrice Ndayizeyeです。ブルンジ人です。2015年に政情不安が理由でブルンジからルワンダに逃れてきました。難民キャンプでは、食べ物や清潔な水がないこと、質の高い教育が受けられないなどの困難と共に生きていました。プロテスタント人文社会科学大学(通称PIASS)での奨学金を獲得した時からEnough is a littleというプログラムを始めました。若い学生、とりわけ難民である若者が奨学金の機会を得られるようなサポートをしています。今まで10人の難民、1人のブルンジ人、そして1人のルワンダ人、計12人がAfrican Leadership University Rwanda (通称ALU)、Cornerstone Leadership Academy 、そして Yale Young African Scholarsにおいて奨学金の機会を得られるようにサポートしてきました。今、私は2021年7月までの8か月間東京外国語大学で交換留学生として学んでいます。

Mahama refugee camp/マハマ難民キャンプ

In Mahama Refugee camp, after high school graduation, more than 80 % of young refugee students do not attend tertiary education. Refugees are not eligible for national scholarships offered to Rwandan citizens by the Rwandan government. In order for refugees to attend universities, they go through charity non-governmental organizations, or they have to compete for scholarship opportunities in different universities that offer full scholarship. Through “Enough is a little” program, I believe I could support the education for refugees while contributing to the efforts made by different charity non-governmental organizations and different institutions.

難民キャンプでは高校卒業後80パーセントの若い難民たちが大学に行けずにいます。難民はルワンダ政府がルワンダ人向けに出している奨学金を得ることはできません。難民が大学で学ぶためには非営利団体の奨学金に応募するか、それぞれの大学で出している奨学金に応募し、学費・生活費など全額カバーの奨学金を勝ち取るしかないのです。Enough is a little プログラムを通じて、それぞれの機関や団体が出している奨学金を利用しながら、難民の教育に対して支援することができたと考えています。

Today, Claude Niyibitanga, a young refugee living in Mahama camp needs your support for realizing his dream. I got to know Claude as his senior in high school where I was a representative of all Burundian refugees including him. After his graduation, I got to know more about him and his story through “Enough is a little” program while I was assisting him to apply for a scholarship opportunity at ALU. His application was unsuccessful. However, he committed himself to continue applying to different universities, and recently he won a partial scholarship that will only cover the tuition fee and health insurance to study in a bachelor’s program in peacebuilding and development at PIASS.

今、マハマ難民キャンプに住んでいる難民の若者、Claude NiyibitangaがPIASSでの学びを実現するためにあなたのご寄付を必要としています。彼はPIASSでの3年間の授業料と健康保険代を負担してくれる一部奨学金を獲得しました。私は彼の高校の先輩として彼と知り合い、彼の高校卒業後ALUの奨学金獲得を目指してEnough is a littleを通してサポートしている間に彼のことについてもっと知ることになりました。ALUでの奨学金獲得に漕ぎつけることはできませんでした。ですが、その後も他の大学の奨学金プログラムに応募し続け、ついにPIASS開発学部平和紛争研究学科での一部奨学金を獲得したのです。

Story of Claude/ Claudeの生い立ち:

Claude Niyibitanga

Claude was born in 1993, within Mutaho's internal displaced camp in Burundi. He only has his mother because his father died before he was born. His two brothers alongside his father were killed in Kayanza during a mass killing that followed the military coup in 1993 in Burundi. Unfortunately, the only remaining brother for him was also killed in Bujumbura (Cibitoke) when political instability erupted in 2015. Now, he only has a family of two sisters and mother who are living in a camp for internally displaced people (IDP)in Burundi. He fled alone from Burundi to Rwanda. And for the last five years, he has been living in Rwanda as a refugee. He has never got a chance to see his family members. He rarely gets even an opportunity to talk to them.


In 1996, Claude and his family left Mutaho (the first IDP camp) ) to another IDP camp called Gikomero in Kayanza, from where he fled to Rwanda in 2015. His life in the Mahama refugee camp started. Everyone in the refugee camp is having a challenging life. Claude is not an exception. In the camp, Claude cannot afford more than sustaining the basic needs(food). He cannot pay school fees by himself, nor the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and his family could do. He depends on 7,600 Rwandan francs (approximately 7 dollars) per month offered by UNHCR. It is really not easy to subsist on that small amount of money for a month. During his scholarship application journey, he always had to borrow phones from fellow refugees. He always has been talking to me with much fear to lose the partial scholarship that he won at PIASS. He himself does not have any means that will enable him to join PIASS. He is confused and frustrated with fear of losing the partial scholarship.

1996年にClaudeと彼の家族は最初に住んでいたムタホ国内避難民キャンプを離れ、カヤンザにあるギコメロという国内避難民キャンプへと移りました。 2015年に彼はそこからルワンダへ逃れ、マハマ難民キャンプでの生活を始めました。難民キャンプに住んでいる人達はみな大変な生活を強いられています。Claudeも例外ではありません。難民キャンプでは生きていくのに必要なもの以上のものを賄うことができません。彼も、彼の家族も、そして国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)も、彼の学費を払うことができないのです。彼は毎月7,400ルワンダフラン(7ドル程度)に頼って生きています。その額で一か月生活するのは容易くありません。奨学金に応募する段階でも、彼はいつも他の難民の人から携帯電話を借りなくてはなりませんでした。彼はいつもPIASSの一部奨学金を失うかもしれないという恐怖を感じながら私に話していました。彼は自分で生活をしながらPIASSで学ぶ方法はなにもありません。彼は奨学金を失うかもしれないと混乱し、挫折しそうになっています。

Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS)/プロテスタント人文社会科学大学

Claude needs the support of two million Rwandan francs (2,000,000 RWF), which is approximately two hundred and thirty thousand yen (230,000 yen) or 2,100 US dollars. This amount will sustain him for his living expenses (30,000 RWF for food, 10,000 RWF for a room at PIASS student hostel, 10,000 for communication and other necessities) per one month for the entire three academic years (30 months) of undergraduate program at PIASS. Also, from this amount he will be able to get a laptop which will cost approximately five hundred thousand Rwandan francs (500,000Rwf).


(Added on 27th March, 2021 追記:2021年3月27日)

Crowdfunding was ended successfully on 28th Feb! Thank you all!


(*) For further information and clarification, reach us Mutsumi, Yuki, and Henri through

FB messenger, or this email: hope.enoughislittle☆

 (Change ☆ to @ when you send us an email)






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