A year ago, we crowdfunded to support Claude, a refugee from Mahama refugee camp, to join the Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS).
He is in his second year now. In addition to studying peace and conflict studies, Claude is also a member of the PIASS Peace Club and benefits from training such as the Alternative to Violence Program.This transformation for Claude would never have happened without the support and donations by people from various countries.
We again hope to ask for your cooperation through another crowdfunding to help Anaclet, another refugee student from the Mahama Refugee Camp, to pay for his living expenses, computer, smartphone and transport fees during three years and 3 months at PIASS.
After PIASS selected students for its 2022 scholarships, Anaclet expressed to Henri that he can not join PIASS because he and his family can not afford the living expenses that are not covered by the PIASS scholarship did not cover.
Please, help us with donations to enable Anaclet to join PIASS. You can support us by donation and by sharing this crowdfunding with your friends, network and colleagues.
Last year, we had an additional amount raised in crowdfunding that supported Claude. We promised donors that the additional amount will be used to support another refugee, however, due to academic disruptions caused by COVID-19, the additional amount will be needed to continue supporting Claude.
In total, Anaclet needs 2,690,000 RWF (≒315,000 JPY/ 2,550 USD) to cover living expenses for three years in PIASS undergraduate program. The details are as follows:
そのため、Anacletが3年間PIASSで学業に励むためには、【合計約315,000円 (2,690,000ルワンダフラン)】のご支援が必要です。この金額の内訳は以下のようになっております。

For proper management, Dr Kazuyuki Sasaki, the head of the department of peace and conflict studies will handle any donations.
Touched and inspired to support Anaclet/ご寄付いただけます場合:
(*) If you are willing to donate, please first contact us via email or Facebook messenger including "Your name, your occupation, your contact, the contribution amount you will make (1,000-yen, 3,000 yen, 5,000yen,10,000yen, others)". (English and Japanese are both available.)
Email: hope.enoughislittle@gmail.com
(*) If you are in Japan, we receive donations through bank transfers.
(*)If you are outside of Japan, the money should be given or sent directly to Dr. Kazuyuki Sasaki, the head of the Peace and Conflict Studies Department at PIASS.
(*) Recognizing transfer alternatives, we accept donations via western union and Mobile money. Please call/ consult us in advance for an appropriate transfer method.
その他、Western union、モバイルマネー等でも寄付を承ります。ご連絡ください。
(*) For further information and clarification, reach us Mutsumi, Yuki, and Henri through
FB messenger, or this email: hope.enoughislittle@gmail.com