Hello! My name is Claude Niyibitanga. I am a Burundian refugee and have been living in Mahama Refugee Camp in Rwanda since 2015. In Burundi, I was born and had been living in Internal displaced camp until the day I fled to Rwanda. My two brothers and my father were killed before I was born in 1993. Another brother, was also killed in 2015 when political instability erupted. I am now alone in the camp and have been separated from my mother and my two sisters.
初めまして!私の名前はClaude Niyibitangaです。ルワンダのマハマキャンプに住む難民です。生まれてからルワンダに逃れるまで、ブルンジの国内避難民のためのキャンプに2人の姉と母と暮らしていました。ブルンジからルワンダに逃れた2015年から今日に至るまで、姉たちと母とは会えずにいます。私の父と2人の兄は1993年、私が生まれる前に殺されました。不運にもその後2015年、ブルンジで政情不安があった時、残った唯一の兄すらも失いました。
I am the only one child who completed high school in my family. And my dream is to continue my study at the university. I got a partial scholarship at Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS), but unfortunately, my family nor myself cannot afford the living expenses (food and house rent for 3years). I had almost given up joining PIASS. But my hope was regained since the day Henri and his friends Mutsumi and Yuki wished to help me through this fundraising of raising my living expenses.
私は家族で唯一高校を卒業しています。私の夢は大学まで学びを続けることです。そして私はプロテスタント人文社会科学大学(通称PIASS)にて、授業料と健康保険代を負担してくれる一部奨学金を獲得しました。ですが私も私の家族も、その他に払わないといけない3年間の食費や家賃などの生活費を賄うことができません。私はPIASSで学ぶことをほとんど諦めようとしていました。そのとき、Enough is a littleプログラムを始めたHenriとその友人の睦美と勇樹が私の生活費のためのファンドレイジングを通して手を貸してくれることを聞きました。そうして、PIASSで学ぶ希望を再び取り戻したのです。
Your contribution will enable me to explore my background while studying in Peace and Conflict Studies at PIASS. I grew up in the community experiencing conflict, violence, political instability and ethnic clashes which resulted in killing of my father and my three brothers. I am tired of not seeing the improvement of all these problems. I want to give my small contribution while fostering conflict resolution and reconciliation in my country.
During my stay at PIASS, I want to interact with international students to enhance my cultural understanding, learn conflict analysis and resolution, negotiation and mediation.
I am praying much for this fundraising to happen well. Your help will always be important for my studies and my passionate dream to be a peacebuilder in my community and around the world. Thank you very much. God bless you.
How your donation will be used?/ ご寄付の使われ方:
For the proper management, the raised money will directly be submitted to the university (PIASS), particularly, the Department of Peace and Conflicts studies. PIASS will be responsible for providing Claude with 50,000 RWF per month until the end of his study period at PIASS.
Whenever the contribution could go beyond the targeted amount, PIASS administration will keep the additional amount for another refugee student who will get a scholarship in the years to come.
Opening and closing of fundraising: February 1st to 28, 2021.
Possibly we can extend the time of fundraising in order for the project to reach targeted amount. 目標額達成のために期間延長の可能性もございます。
If the raised donations do not reach the target, we will still use it to support Claude and the money will not be refunded. 最終的に目標額達成に至らなかった場合も、それまでに頂いたご寄付はClaudeの支援に使用させて頂きます。返金は致しかねますのでご理解の程よろしくお願い致します。
(Added on 27th March, 2021 追記:2021年3月27日)
Crowdfunding was ended successfully on 28th Feb! Thank you all!
(*) For further information and clarification, reach us Mutsumi, Yuki, and Henri through
FB messenger, or this email: hope.enoughislittle☆gmail.com
(Change ☆ to @ when you send us an email)